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Special Education

Children 3-5 years of age who have an identified special education eligibility and who have an IEP that requires a more intense level of programming are enrolled as early childhood special education students.
Blended Classroom- Children may be placed within a blended preschool classroom containing a maximum of 10 regular education students and 6 special needs/instructional level students.  These students do not require a more restricted or self-contained level of service and will have the opportunity to learn from peers with the classroom.
Hearing Impaired Classroom- This classroom is for children with an identified hearing impairment.  Services provided allow children to learn vocabulary, language and listening skills in a class devoted to students with hearing impairments.  A range of services is provided depending on the child's individual needs.
Instructional Classroom- Children who demonstrate more intensive instructional need may be placed within an instructional preschool classroom.  This classroom has all students with IEP's and provides direct, specialized instruction in a small group setting.  This level of service may be recommended for some children with multiple service needs or some children who have been identified with autism.   It is the goal of this program to provide opp9ortunites for the children to transition out of the self-contained classroom and participate with regular education peers once this is deemed beneficial by the educational team.  Children may be transition out of this program fully once their need no longer require this intense level of service.
STARS Classroom-  This classroom houses our Skills Training and Autism Related Services program (STARS).  This classroom has all students with IEP's and provides direct, specialized instruction in a small group setting.  This program includes both a 2 1/2 hour and 5 hour session depending on the child's educational needs. This level of service may be recommended for some children with multiple service needs or children who have been identified with autism.  It is the goal of this program to provide opportunities for the children to transition out of the self-contained classroom and participate with regular education peers once this is deemed beneficial by the educational team.  Children may be transitioned  out of the program fully once their need no longer require this intense level of service.
Resource Services- Children may be eligible to receive single or multiple resource level services as identified on an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Services may include: physical therapy, occupational therapy, vision services, hearing services, social work services, or speech therapy.
Children may be enrolled as a tuition paying preschool student and  receive resource services either during their preschool time with written parent permission or at a separate time.
The Walk-In Speech program has scheduled small group sessions daily.  Students typically attend Walk-In Speech once or twice per week for 60 minute sessions.